Bruce, What a great substack message. As a retired occupational therapist with focus on neurology and trauma/surgery of the upper extremity, one learns to treat patients using connections between the spine/brain and fine motor skills, proprioception and cognition. A glimpse of the brain showing us the last few seconds between life and death indicates the complex workings of the brain as an organ and its important connection between our bodies and our souls. Thank you so much..

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When I was 6 I'm 55 today. I had an imaginary friend Bobby. In the 1974 we had a f5 tornado. We were exactly 2 blocks away from ground zero. That same year my dad accidentally ran me over. I had jumped onto the side mirror. It was a 10 ton truck fully loaded. When I fell it was like I slid into second base. So the dualies starting at my knee. Ran up my thigh and across my back. Off my shoulder blade missing my head by Inches. I believe Bobby was my guardian angel. Making sure the truck didn't run over sideways. Across my stomach Dr. Said would of killed me instantly. Well shattered pelvis 4 broken ribs ruptured spleen and pancreas. I died 3x on operating table. I feel like the first death was my life flashed in front of my eyes. Its like over my lifetime I've had gut feelings about something wasn't right about this person or that person. When my life flashed before my eyes it was so fast I don't remember it. But over time it seems to come to me. Like dreams and things. I also feel like the 2nd time I died I seen into heaven. Like Moses had seen the promised land before he died. In a sense I feel like I had seen the promised land. It's like I know what happens after death. But I don't know everything it just feels like I know part of it. I always wondered If someone would hypnotized me maybe I could get some answers. I feel like the 3rd time I died I seen how I died. And I wouldn't know about it until I would be real close to death.

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