My mom was told by my grandfather that she had to work literally right after I was born. She was a single mom, and she had to provide. We lived with my grandparents and she worked. I developed an anxious attachment with my mom. She wasn't around for me to form a secure attachment. Work was something that HAD to be done, no emotions - just work. The upside here is that I've been given the opportunity to unlearn all this. Work can be something that I emotionally WANT to do, for me and no one else. Currently this is my WIP.

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I learned that work is a way to live and not the reason to live. My father was a copper miner in Sudbury Ontario Canada. It was a great paying job with benefits. He left that job after just a few years. He saw the long timers and the miner cough, how unhealthy they were. He left that job and became a wholesale food salesperson. Not as good paying but he could continue to live with full lung capacity and see us grow up. The smaller income also meant that my mother entered the workforce when she really didn’t want to work. It was a time when women were encouraged to work outside the home, first generation feminists. So, what did my parents teach me? Get as much education as possible to get the best paying job that won’t harm my health. I also learned the value of saving money and investing so that I could have choices and help other family members. I work to live, I don’t live to work. I regularly book vacations quarterly and book random creativity days monthly. I pre-ordered your book and look forward to reading it.

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Sounds excellent

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