Who is Bruce?
A writer, traveler, limper, dad.
Also, author of seven New York Times bestsellers (Life Is in the Transitions, The Secrets of Happy Families, Council of Dads). Giver of three TED Talks. Cancer survivor. PBS host. Former New York Times columnist. Onetime circus clown. Writer of the new book The Search: Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World. If you want to be happier—and smarter—at work, it just might change your life.
To learn more, plus see a cute photo of Bruce’s first day of school, visit brucefeiler.com
What is the nonlinear life?
What all of us are living.
The linear life—the idea that you’re going to have one job, one home, one relationship, one source of happiness from adolescence to assisted living—is deader than it’s ever been.
It’s been replaced by the nonlinear life. A life full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and what Bruce calls lifequakes and workquakes.
Here, Bruce chronicles all of these changes. He uses two decades of proprietary research and more than 400 life stories that he’s collected, coded, and analyzed, to offer tips and takeaways to make all of our lives more meaningful.
How can I join the conversation?
You can check out Bruce’s books, view his TED Talks, send him an email. Or you can subscribe, like, share, and comment here.
Welcome to The Nonlinear Life. We’re all going through transitions. Let’s master them together.