Ukraine: What To Watch, Who To Follow, Where To Give, What To Read
Stories You Might Have Missed, Sources You Can Trust, Ways You Can Help, Questions You Want Answered
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The Russian invasion of Ukraine is proving to be many things: a horrific atrocity, a cesspool of war crimes, a rousing moment of Ukrainian identity, a rallying cry for European unity, a courageous moment for sports leagues and cultural organizations, and a coming of age for social media. (In case you missed it, please check out my recent article on how posting support for Ukraine on social media, instead of slacktivism, has been shown to be quite helpful.)
But it’s also a collective, global lifequake that is reshaping the world in real-time and bringing change to all corners of the world at once. Like a lot of people, I’ve found myself altering my media consumption in ways that are both radically new (live Twitter feeds of captured Russian tanks! off-the-record Zoom webinars with former directors of the CIA!) and gulpingly familiar to those of us who grew up in the Cold War.
In the spirit of both giving and receiving, I thought we should experiment on using the power of interconnectedness to crowdsource good information sources. Below is a list I’ve been gathering all week with the help of both well-informed friends and everyday readers of The Nonlinear Life.
Here are some suggestions for what to read, whom to follow, where to give, and what to watch. Please add your recommendations in the comments below or on my Facebook page. And Godspeed to everyone in harm’s way.
What to Read
1. Before we get serious, let’s start with some fun. This may be my favorite story of the week. The headline alone is a delight: Keyboard Army Using Restaurant Reviews to Take on Russian State Media. Yelp has become the new front line of the information war.
2. Another human interest story that got to me as a parent of multiples. An American couple used a surrogate in Ukraine to carry their twins. They were born premature, weighing little more than four pounds each. When war broke out, the parents launched a desperate attempt to free their newborn children.
3. If you’re looking for a thoughtful conversation about where the war ends, I recommend this discussion among opinion columnists at the NYT. It’s also available as a podcast. I love this quote from Tom Friedman: "I think Putin basically has four choices: lose early, lose late, lose big, or lose small. But those are his only choices."
4. Politico has somewhat more dour take, but one that we should all probably be prepared for: Get Ready for a Long War.
Whom to Follow
I’ve added two dozen new accounts to the list of people I follow on Twitter. Some of the ones I recommend most highly:
1. For local, up-to-the-second independent news: The Kyiv Independent.
2. For a thoughtful analysis of Russian military strategy: Michael Kofman, director of Russian Studies at CNA.
3. For rapid, smart takes on the economic sanctions: Anders Aslund, author of Russia’s Crony Capitalism.
4. For the views of an American steeped in Putin and with the bruises of a decades-long showdown with the Russian dictator: My friend Bill Browder, author of Red Notice.
5. For that priceless feed of captured Russian military equipment: OSINTtechnical, an anonymous American reporter with the UK Defence Journal.
Where to Give
1. The actor and mom Mila Kunis was born in Ukraine. She and her husband, Ashton Kutcher, started a GoFundMe to provide support and agreed to match the first $3 million.
2. A savvy reader of The Nonlinear Life in London, whom I’ve known for decades, sent along this note: “I have a software company client in Odesa, Readdle, one of Ukraine's most successful startups. They've worked with the government to create a verified, reliable donation page.
3. The Red Cross also has a dedicated page to support its vital efforts in Ukraine.
4. Direct Relief has provided $26 million in medical aid in the last six months. It’s been rated a Ten Best Charity by Charity Navigator and the #1 top charity in the world by CNBC.
What to Watch
1. I really enjoyed this powerhouse conversation among my old college contemporary Anne Applebaum, winner of the Pulitzer Prize; Timothy Snyder of Yale, the bestselling author of On Tyranny; and Yuvan Noah Harari, author of the blockbuster Sapiens.
2. Sean Penn has been in Ukraine making a documentary. Until that comes out, he’s been touting Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom.
3. And for a bit of hope and love, check out these visuals of Ukrainian artist Alexander Milov at Burning Man a few years back.
That’s all for now. Please share any recommendations you have for we can all learn more and keep better in touch at a sensitive moment for the world. 🕊
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